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A bump on your upper or lower eyelid might not cause any pain at first, but it can grow to become unsightly and bothersome for your vision. At Beraja Medical Institute in Coral Gables, Florida, the team is trained to diagnose and treat your eyelid for a chalazion if you develop one. If your chalazion doesn’t respond to home care, call the office or request your evaluation at Beraja Medical Institute online today.



Chalazion Q & A


What is a chalazion?


A chalazion is a lot like a stye: It’s a benign bump that forms on your upper or lower eyelid without an immediately identifiable cause. While styes are often painful or tender, chalazia are usually painless. 

Chalazia form when the tiny oil glands that moisturize your eyes become clogged. They can clog because of a virus or general inflammation. Inside a chalazion, you might find fat or pus. They often drain by themselves, and you can help speed up the process by applying a warm compress to your affected eye.



What are the symptoms of a chalazion?


A chalazion usually just looks like a bump on your upper or lower eyelid. When left untreated, a chalazion can become infected and cause eyelid redness and swelling. When the chalazion grows big enough, it can place pressure on your cornea and cause temporary astigmatism or blurry vision. However, many chalazia don’t develop to this point and never cause symptoms. You might wish to treat it simply because of the way it looks.



How is a chalazion diagnosed?


If you suspect you have a chalazion on your eyelid, the team at Beraja Medical Institute can diagnose it with a brief physical examination. 



How is a chalazion treated?


Chalazia are often treatable with minimal home care. Since it’s frustrating to have one, the team at Beraja Medical Institute can give you specific instructions for home care to diminish the chalazion as quickly as possible. 


Tips and tricks to use while treating a chalazion include:


  • Avoiding pressing or popping the chalazion 

  • Using a warm compress to keep it wet

  • Applying the compress for 10-15 minutes at a time

  • Gently massaging your eyelid

  • Keeping your eyelid clean

The team at Beraja Medical Institute may also give you soothing eye creams or drops to use while you wait for the chalazion to drain by itself. If it doesn’t go away within a month, they may recommend a corticosteroid injection or a minor surgery to remove it.

If you notice a bump on your eyelid that doesn’t go away with home care, call Beraja Medical Institute or book an appointment online for expert treatment today.






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